

The primary goals of the Missions Team are to help educate congregation members about the work of The United Methodist Church in God’s mission and to provide opportunities for those members to respond through prayer and the stewardship of their time, talents, and resources.  

We strive to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to minister to others in His name, by providing mission opportunities and a greater awareness of both local and global mission through mission education, mission experiences, mission support, and publicity for special church mission offerings.

SCUMC provides prayer and financial support numerous global missions in Mexico, Cuba, and Africa; however, SCUMC also supports a wide variety of local missions in our neighborhood, in the New Orleans community, in Louisiana region, and in surrounding states. 

The Missions Committee provides direction, opportunities, and encouragement for the congregation to participate in the mission of SCUMC: To glorify God and make disciples by connecting people to Christ across all boundaries.  No Limits!

Click on <Next> to discover the many mission opportunities at St. Charles UMC.
